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Office of Public Relations and Communications

About Us

The Virgin Islands Department of Education’s Office of Public Relations and Communications exists to heighten the public’s awareness of the Department’s mission to ensure that all students are prepared for college or the career of their choice upon graduation from high school.

In support of the mission, the Public Relations Office provides publicity for events, activities and the many successes of the Department’s schools, students, teachers, employees and leadership through internal and external communication.

The Office of Public Relations and Communication, through an integrated marketing communications approach services the marketing, branding, public, and media relations, advertising and graphic design needs of the Department, districts, and schools.

The Public Relations Office reports directly to the Commissioner of Education.



The St. Croix School District announces public school updates. Parents, guardians, and students are encouraged to note the following important information:


  • No School on Monday, October 16, 2023. All public schools in the St. Croix District will be closed on October 16th, due to the Annual TEACH Professional Development Conference.


  • Schools Re-Open on Tuesday, October 17, 2023. All public schools in the St. Croix District will resume operations on October 17th, and operate on their regular schedules, except for those schools on an abbreviated schedule.


  • St. Croix Abbreviated Schedules (until further notice). Bus services will be provided.


    • Eulalie Rivera K-8 School - operating from 7:30 am to 12:30 pm.


    • St. Croix Central High School - operating from 7:40 am to 1:05 pm.


    • St. Croix Educational Complex and the Career & Technical Education Center – both operating from 7:40 am – 1:05 pm.


  • John H. Woodson Jr. High School – operating virtually from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Students will continue to receive virtual instruction.


  • Report Card Distribution according to the following schedule:


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Ricardo Richards Elementary School; Pearl B. Larsen K-8 School; Eulalie R. Rivera PreK-8 School; Alfredo Andrews PreK-6 School; Juanita Gardine PreK-8 School.


Thursday, October 19, 2023

St. Croix Central High School; St. Croix Educational Complex; Lew Muckle PreK-6 School.


Friday, October 20, 2023

John H. Woodson Jr. High School- report cards will be distributed electronically.


Friday, October 27, 2023

Claude O. Markoe PreK-6 School


For additional information or inquiries, please feel free to contact the respective school or the St. Croix District office at 340-773-1095.  



Download press release here:  pdf PRESS RELEASE 1013 23 ST CROIX DISTRICT PUBLIC SCHOOL UPDATES (197 KB)

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St. Croix District Announces MATHCOUNTS® Competition Series and Presidential STEAM Teaching Award Open Nominations

The St. Croix District is pleased to announce that this Fall, middle school students on St. Croix will have the opportunity to participate in the MATHCOUNTS® Competition Series, the nation’s premier math competition that focuses on building problem-solving skills in mathematics. The competition is made possible locally through the support of the V.I. Department of Education, Rotary Mid-Isle Club, St. Thomas Rotary Club, and St Croix District Coordinator, Juanita Boneque. 


The St. Croix chapter competition is slated for February 23, 2024, and the state competition will be held on March 22, 2024.  This program is open to all schools: public, private, and parochial. Schools are encouraged to register at which allows them to participate in the chapter competition and eventually move on to the state competition and potentially the national competition.


Student participants will progress through four levels of competition: school, chapter, state, and national and begin preparing in the fall with the guidance of math educators who serve as volunteer coaches. Mathletes® compete individually and as members of a team in written and oral math contests. Top students win awards and scholarships, and the top four students from every state earn the right to compete at the 2024 RTX MATHCOUNTS National Competition, May 11-14, 2024, in Washington, DC.


The St. Croix District is also seeking nominations for the Presidential STEM Teaching Award. Ms. Juanita Boneque, VI State Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Technology (PAEMST) Coordinator, encourages the nomination of K-6 educators. This award serves as the nation’s highest honor for teachers of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and/or computer science. Presidential awardees receive a certificate signed by the President; a trip to Washington, D.C., to attend a series of recognition events, professional development opportunities, and a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation. 


To nominate a teacher, visit Nominated teachers must have completed five years of K–12th grade teaching prior to this year and currently be teaching K–6th grade science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and/or computer science. You are welcome to submit multiple nominations if you know more than one teacher deserving of this award. Nominations close on January 8, 2024.


You can learn more about the Presidential Award and nominate a teacher or teachers at For additional information contact: Juanita Boneque, V.I. State PAEMST Coordinator at



Download press release here:  pdf PRESS RELEASE 1012 23 St Croix District MATHCOUNTS® Competition Series and Presidential STEAM Award (130 KB)

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The Virgin Islands Department of Education State Office of Special Nutrition Programs informs the public of its upcoming drive through distribution of USDA commodities for the island of St. John. Distribution will take place utilizing a one-day format, which means that eligible persons should report on the day and time as follows:



Date: Saturday, October 7, 2023        Location: Julius E. Sprauve School

Start time – 9:00 a.m. until supplies last.


The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) uses income; not age to determine program eligibility. The St. Thomas-St. John District and St. Croix District distributions are for all eligible persons meeting the criteria listed below. Distribution packages will be limited to one per household. 


Individuals or heads of households eligible to receive these commodities must be identified as in need by meeting one of the following criteria:


1.      A person or head of household whose gross family income does not exceed 185% of the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines for July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.


2.      A person or head of household who is a client of any of the following income certified assistance programs:

(a)      Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

(b)      Medical Assistance Program

(c)      Be a Tenant of a Subsidized Public Housing program.


3.      Individuals are also permitted to self-declare their income using the self-certification portion of the application if they do not fall into the established categories stated above.


To obtain commodities, proper identification must be presented. Persons completing the Self Certification Form should be prepared to provide information relative to their gross income.  Any person not able to provide satisfactory information to the distribution site staff will not be able to receive a commodity package.


For additional information, please call Federal Commodities Officer, Correy Lettsome at (340) 774-0100 ext. 2818.


                                             INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINE TABLE



Not more than $ 26,973



Not more than $ 2,248



Not more than $519

Household Size 2



$ 3,041


$ 702

Household Size 3

$ 45,991


$ 3,833


$ 885

Household Size 4

$ 55,500


$ 4,625


$ 1,068

Household Size 5

$ 65,009


$ 5,418


$ 1,251

Household Size 6

$ 74,518


$ 6,210


$ 1,434

Household size 7

$ 84,027


$ 7,003


$ 1,616

Household size 8

$ 93,536


$ 7,795


$ 1,799

For each additional family member

add $9,509


$ 793



$ 183





Download press release here:  pdf PRESS RELEASE 1010 23 USDA COMMODITY DISTRIBUTION ON OCTOBER 7^LJ 2023 ON ST JOHN (160 KB)

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St. Thomas

1834 Kongens Gade, St. Thomas, VI 00802
Phone: 340-774-0100

Curriculum Center:
Mon – Fri:  8AM – 5PM


St. Croix

2133 Hospital Street, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820
Phone: 340-773-1095

Curriculum Center:
Mon – Fri:  8AM – 5PM

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