Student User ID (UID) Policies
Your Temporary/Default Password
All new students are given a randomized password. This temporary password and will have to be change in order for the student to have access to department services.
The local school administration has a list of the default passwords of all students.
- First Name: Johnny
- Last Name: Dolittle Williams
- Username = johnny.williams567
- Email address would be johnny.williams567@stu.vide.vi
- Please note that some students with long names may not include numbers so its always a good idea to check the http://addressbook.vide.vi
- Usernames are limited to 20 characters.
- All students must go to the Passwordreset TOOL first to activate their account.
- Once a student has enrolled and or changed thier password their account will be activated for system access.
- Access your email account http://outlook.com/stu.vide.vi
- For wireless access please login with format stu\johnny.williams567 (username)
- It is best to search for the username in http://addressbook.vide.vi if you are unsure of the spelling or format.
The standards are across the board but there are exceptions, some user accounts with hyphenated last names or a UID more than 20 characters have been adjusted.
Information on policy change.
Good day to all,
The Instructional Technology Division has started the process to move the Department’s Spam protection protocols forward to alleviate recurring spam messages. This implementation will require every student to change their password within two weeks after school starts. If they do not update their password within one month of the opening of school an auto-generated password will be sent to each school with the listed password they will use to recover their account. Please schedule lab time for all students to get this process done to eliminate problems with their account after one month after school opens. This is needed because hackers have started to use our present platform student’s default password for intrusion. We are now moving to auto-assigned password with the password being auto-generated within our system. A faculty or staff member will have to submit a ticket (https://helpdesk.vide.vi )on the student’s behalf to request a password reset for any reason a student cannot login to their account.
Note: All students will have to use 8 characters or more which must include: A Capital Letter/Number/A Symbol and will not expire for one year unless their account is compromised for some reason. This password can be in any combination or format that will be easy to avoid account hacking. We are being proactive to avoid spam/scam emails to align with our CIPA rules (The Children's Internet Protection Act) governing student online use of email and other services.
Here is the link governing USAC (Universal Services Administrative Company) E-Rate Program rules related to CIPA: https://www.usac.org/e-rate/applicant-process/starting-services/cipa/
Thank you for your cooperation and support in this matter as we guide protection for our students in this globally online society.
Coronavirus COVID-19

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Public School Registration
The Virgin Islands Department of Education (VIDE) is pleased to offer online registration for compulsory* school aged children. Parents/guardians who wish to enroll their child (ren) in the Virgin Islands public school system may utilize the online portal to begin the registration process. Once the online application is submitted, you will receive an email or a telephone call from one of our enrollment representatives to schedule an in-person appointment.
This process is for:
1. ALL first-time students that have never registered as a student at VIDE
2. Students previously enrolled at VIDE and withdrew
*Compulsory Attendance Law of the Virgin Islands requires all children between the ages of 5 through 18 must enroll in an educational instruction program. An instructional program includes public, private or parochial school, as well as homeschooling.
Send us an email with your questions/concerns:
STT/STJ District – sttregistration@vide.vi
STX District – student.services@stx.k12.vi
- Transfer Request Form is for students currently enrolled in the USVI public school system.
- Public School Registration is for students who are new or returning to the USVI public school system.
- Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before December 31 of the year entering school
- Granny Pre-K students must be 4 years old by December 31 of the year entering school (St. Croix District)
- The Virgin Islands Department of Education allows for enrollment all year long for students transferring from a nonpublic school or off-island
REQUIRED FORMS (Must Be Original Documents)
- Official Certification of Birth
- Court Appointed Adoption or Guardianship Affidavit or Power of Attorney (if applicable)
- Social Security Card (St. Croix District)
- School Records
- Kindergarten thru 8th Grade - Most Recent Report Card/Progress Report
- 9th thru 12th Grade - Official Transcript
- Attendance and Disciplinary Records and 504/IEP Plan (if applicable)
- Virgin Islands Immunization Card and Updated Health Clearance Form
- From the Charles Harwood Health Clinic Only (St. Croix District)
- From MCH, East End Clinic, Myrah Keating Clinic and other places (St. Thomas District)
- Government Issued Photo ID of the Parent or Guardian registering student
- Proof of Residency in the US Virgin Islands
- Homeowners:
- Signed Closing Statement or Deed or Property Tax Receipt or Government Issued Document AND
- Current WAPA Bill
- Renters:
- Lease Agreement signed by the Landlord and Tenant AND
- Current WAPA Bill (WAPA Bill is still required when the lease includes utilities)
- Renters without Rent Receipt or Lease Agreement: (St. Thomas District)
- Notarized Landlord Affidavit and Proof of Address from the Owner of the Property (or the person authorized to lease the property on behalf of the owner)
We are encountering issues with the "Submit" button on the following forms and the Department is working toward a resolution. Meanwhile, please download and save the forms you need. Then, email the completed forms to the Office of Student Services on St. Croix at student.services@stx.k12.vi or on St. Thomas - St. John at sttregistration@vide.vi. Email addresses are also included at the bottom of each form.
St. Croix District Forms:
Public School Registration Form: Download Here
Public School Transfer Request Form: Download Here
Public School Transcript Request Form: Download Here
St. Thomas-St. John District Forms:
Public School Registration Form: Download Here
Public School Transfer Request Form: Download Here
Public School Transcript Request Form: Temporarily Unavailable
Bertha C. Boschulte Middle School Registration Links:
Incoming 6th Grade 2020-2021 Student Demographics, Elective Classes Request and Medical Form.
7th & 8th Grade 2020-2021 Student Demographics, Elective Classes Request and Medical Form.
Parent Portal
Parent Portal
The U. S. Virgin Islands Department of Education announces the implementation of the online PowerSchool Parent Access or Parent Portal application. This powerful on-line tool will allow you to obtain information about your child’s schedule, grades, and attendance from any computer or device with access to the internet at any time and from anywhere in the world.
In our efforts to provide you with this information, we also have to ensure that your child’s information is protected. Therefore, you must be the authorized parent or guardian on record at your child’s school and be sure to fully complete the online form and adhere to the outlined procedures and policies.
Parent Portal
Temporarily Unavailable
St. Croix District
St. Thomas - St. John District
Important Links
Important Links