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 The Assistant School Principal is directly reports to the building Principal for any and all aspects of Administration and Instructional leadership and coordination. The incumbent assists the principal in organizing and fostering a positive, safe environment that is conducive to best meeting the needs of all students, staff and parents. This includes such responsibilities as: leading, directing, counseling, and supervising a variety of personnel and programs; creating effective parent, teacher, and child communications; supporting, encouraging, mentoring, and evaluating staff; fostering teamwork between teachers and among staff and parents; and managing budget items. The assistant principal acts in the capacity of the principal during the principal’s absence from the school.


  • Assist the principal in developing and maintaining an effective educational program consistent with State and Federal guidelines and the philosophy, policies and goals of the Department of Education; meeting and conferring with students, parents, faculty and staff; maintaining records and files; preparing reports.
  • Assist the principal in the overall administration of the school; interpret and enforce school and school division policies and regulations.
  • Assist the principal in the transformation of the school culture into a results-oriented collaborative learning community.
  • Ensure implementation of the Virgin Islands Department of Education approved curriculum and the development of 21st century skills with all students.
  • Assist the principal in monitoring compliance with federal, state, and local mandates and guidelines related to local and state testing programs and the local special education program.
  • Assist the principal in planning and implementing a professional development/growth program for teachers and staff.
  • Serve as principal in the absence of the regular principal.
  • Propose schedules of classes and extracurricular activities; help schedule courses, students and teachers.
  • Work with department heads and faculty in compiling the annual budget requests.
  • Requisition supplies, textbooks, and equipment, conduct inventories, maintain records, and check on receipts for such material.
  • Assist in coordinating transportation, custodial, cafeteria, and other school support services; help conduct safety inspections and safety drill practice activities.
  • Assist in the reporting and monitoring of student attendance.
  • Assist in maintaining discipline throughout the student body; deal with special cases as necessary.
  • Serve with parents, faculty, and student groups, as requested, in advancing educational and related activities and objectives.
  • Maintain a variety of files; prepare periodic and special reports as required.
  • Identify the special needs of students on a regular basis, seeking the assistance of school system specialists as required.
  • Supervise teachers and departments as assigned by the principal.
  • Supervise extra-curricular activities;
  • Explain and interpret district-wide curriculum/instructional goals and objectives to teachers, parents, pupils, and the community.
  • Assist in the planning and implementation of a systematic method of supervising the instructional program through the use of observations, documentations, and follow-up conferences.
  • Assist  teachers  in  evaluating  methods  and  materials  and  developing  effective  learning  plans  and classroom management techniques.
  • Assist in the coordination and supervision of guidance services.
  • Perform related work as required



  • Thorough knowledge of the practices, methods and techniques used in the administration and supervision of all programs in a school;
  • Excellent skills in oral and written communications;
  • Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Suite;
  • Ability to motivate others to reach their fullest potential;
  • Ability to supervise and coordinate committee work, in-service training and workshops;
  • Knowledgeable of approaches for fostering the involvement of parents, family and community members in educational planning, implementation and evaluation;
  • Ability to execute the seamless transitions of all students, regardless of learning needs, across educational and other programs from birth through adulthood;
  • Ability to interpret laws & policies pertaining to the learning, disciplinary, social and health needs of students.
  • Ability to write reports, carry out instructions, and develop comprehensive plans with minimal supervision.
  • Ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships with members of the Department’s staff, students, parents, and other external entities and bodies.


  • Master’s degree from an accredited institution in Administration and Supervision AND;
  • Five (5) year’s experience as a classroom teacher AND;
  • Current certification as an Assistant Principal from the Virgin Islands Board of Education (VIBE).


St. Thomas

1834 Kongens Gade, St. Thomas, VI 00802
Phone: 340-774-0100

Curriculum Center:
Mon – Fri:  8AM – 5PM


St. Croix

2133 Hospital Street, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820
Phone: 340-773-1095

Curriculum Center:
Mon – Fri:  8AM – 5PM

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