What is Lucky Paws?
Below is a newspaper article depicting a "Cat Cafe". Cat Cafes are homes for stray cats; the idea is for a group of people, or a particular organization to sponsor a cafe - once constructed, cats in the area can be spayed/neutered and brought back to the cafe. The cafe acts as a safe haven for animals to find shelter and food. Because the cats are spayed and neutered, they do not continue to reproduce; cafes therefore help both the animals and the area in which they live.
Pet Information

PBIS Involvement with Lucky Paws
The PBIS District Team supports Lucky Paws by working with staff members and volunteers to catch stray cats and kittens. Once caught, the cats are spayed or neutered and released back into the wild. Kittens are typically adopted or placed with foster parents. A lot of work and time goes into catching each cat but the results are well worth it!
Spaying the adult cats allows them to return “home” without the possibility of breeding additional cats; this decreases the amount of wild, uncared for cats on the island without harming animals or locking them away. If you would like to assist in catching cats or kittens in your area, or would like the Lucky Paws team to catch them, please reach out! They are always willing to help!