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Charlotte Amalie High School was organized as a junior high school in 1920. In 1930 it added the first twelfth grade and four students graduated in the class of 1931. The Commandant Gade School and the present Senate Building were places used by Charlotte Amalie High School until the school was opened at its current site in 1955.



1920 C.A.H.S. founded (Commandant Gade Site / grades 7-12)
1931 First Senior Graduation
1931 School located in Marine Barracks (Present Senate Building)
1936 School returned to Commandant Gade
1947 School moved back to Marine Barracks
1951 Introduction of Federal Vocational Education Program
1955 School Moved to present site
1963 Home Economics cottage built by vocational department
1964 School accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools
1964 Music suite and gymnasium built
1964 Third floor added to building B
1965 C.A.H.S. became a senior high school (grades 9-12)
1968 Building 5 added to Trade and Industry
1969 C.A.H.S. track added
1973 Received charter for the Amalian Chapter of the National Honor Society
1974 Accreditation renewed through December 1983
1975 Building C added to school complex
1989 Hurricane Hugo demolished English Department rooms 194-200 B
1990 English Department room rebuilt
1995 Hurricane Marilyn caused damage to school
1996 Special Education classrooms built
1997 Academic Teaming instituted


2001 Advanced Placement course added to curriculum
2006 CAHS received AYP banner
2007 CAHS received AYP banner

2007 Gynasium reconstruction completed
2008 Accreditation renewed by Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools
2010 CAHS received AYP banner
2010 Wall of Fame introduced to celebrate the achievements of outstanding Alumni
2011 CAHS received AYP banner
2012 CAHS received AYP banner
2013 CAHS received AYP banner

St. Thomas

1834 Kongens Gade, St. Thomas, VI 00802
Phone: 340-774-0100

Curriculum Center:
Mon – Fri:  8AM – 5PM


St. Croix

2133 Hospital Street, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820
Phone: 340-773-1095

Curriculum Center:
Mon – Fri:  8AM – 5PM

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