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The special education paraprofessional assists with providing appropriate educational opportunities and instruction for each student, according to the guidelines established by the VI Department of Education. Under the direct supervision of the principal and/ or instructional personnel, individuals would perform routine and specialized work relating mainly to instructional activities in a school. An employee in this class is required to assist Special Education teachers in providing supportive learning environments that facilitate inclusion of learners with diverse learning needs, and protects the safety, health, and well-being of learners and staff. The scope of work to be performed by the Paraprofessional impacts students from preschool to high school.


  • Assists by participating in the implementation of educational and other services designed for children with various levels of disabilities;
  • Accompanies students to and from their homes when required;
  • Assists with personal and hygiene care of male and female students;
  • Maintains open communication with parents, faculty and staff;
  • Works closely with health services and guidance personnel to assist students with special problems;
  • Instructs individual or small groups of learners following lesson plans developed by the teacher;
  • Obtains and reviews related instructional materials prior to providing interpreting services as requested;
  • Assists individual learners with supplementary / independent study projects as assigned by the teacher
  • Prepares learning/ instructional material bulletin boards and maintain learning centers;
  • Translates simultaneously with the classroom lectures and/ or other presentations and events from English into sign language and translates students responses from sign into English;
  • Interprets at special events (e.g. field trips and student instructor conferences);
  • Assist hearing impaired students with the learning materials and instructional exercises;
  • Works closely with hearing impaired students individually or in small groups to reinforce learning activities;
  • Assist hearing impaired students during student orientation;
  • Maintains, as directed by an occupational or physical therapist, nurse, or speech-language pathologist, adaptive equipment required by learners with physical and sensory disabilities, or health related needs;
  • Assists teachers/providers with functional assessment activities to determine a child’s developmental level and learning needs, including documenting the data and maintaining learner records required by the state, district, or agency;
  • Administers standardized assessment instruments scored and analyzed by teachers or other professional practitioners;
  • Supervises students in community-based learning environments to prepare them to make the transition from school-to-work and to participate in the adult world (if required by learner or program needs);
  • Familiarizes employers and other members of the community of the needs of individual learners (if required by the program or learner needs);
  • Assist student(s) with transportation needs such as pushing, guiding, and maintaining their wheelchair, walker, etc;
  • Participates in Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) and Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) planning team meetings as required by learner needs;
  • Performs related work as required.


  • Knowledge of American Sign Language, Signed English and/ or other tools of communication;
  • Knowledge of basic school subjects and ability to communicate knowledge to others;
  • Knowledge of the special behavior patterns pertaining to student age and growth process;
  • Knowledge of and interest in the community and the welfare of its children;
  • Knowledge and awareness of ethical and confidential conduct in personal relationships on the job;
  • Knowledge, patience and understanding of mentally handicapped children and a sincere desire to assist in their educational development;
  • Ability to read and write in grammatically correct sentences;
  • Ability and willingness to work with professional and technical supervisors as a team in the development of children;
  • Ability to assume the role of teacher and playmate in directing the play of children toward desired objectives;
  • Ability to follow clearly written lesson plans;
  • Ability to establish, cooperate and maintain effective working relationships with all persons contacted during the course of work;
  • Ability to follow oral and written directions, maintain simple records, absorb training and apply learned skills;
  • Ability to manage class room time and group control;
  • Ability to be tolerant, and patient under stressful situations.


  • Associate of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education with a minimum of 12 semester units of sign language studies, child development, or related field; or
  • Completion of two (2) years of college to include sixty (60) college credits with a minimum of 12 semester units of sign language studies, child development, or related field; and
  • A minimum of one (1) year of work experience signing with children or young people with disabilities.

No person shall be discriminated against in employment or in any other educational program or activity offered by the Virgin Islands Department of Education on account of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, handicap, or age.”

Complaint may write to:




Division of Human Resources

Division of Human Resources


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1834 Kongens Gade


Revised 3/23/2012

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St. Thomas

1834 Kongens Gade, St. Thomas, VI 00802
Phone: 340-774-0100

Curriculum Center:
Mon – Fri:  8AM – 5PM


St. Croix

2133 Hospital Street, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820
Phone: 340-773-1095

Curriculum Center:
Mon – Fri:  8AM – 5PM

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