St. Croix Deputy Superintendent Faith Dane George-Boone share a motivational message with students at Pearl B. Larsen Elementary School on Sept. 4, the first day of school for the 2018-19 school year.
Following a school year of double-sessions resulting from the effects of Hurricanes Irma and Maria last September, public school students eagerly returned to their neighborhood schools, and school faculty and staff to their posts on September 4.
St. Croix Superintendent Colleen Mae Williams and Deputy Superintendents Vaughn Hewitt and Faith Dane George-Boone traversed the island visiting schools and speaking with teachers and administrators, and offering motivational words to students in an effort to ensure students and school staff were settling comfortably into their buildings.
In assessing the first day of school, Superintendent Williams said, “While the opening had a few hiccups, we are actively addressing all concerns. I’m happy that we have schools on full-day session and getting closer to normalcy.”
On a visit to a 5th grade classroom at Juanita Gardine Elementary School, Deputy George-Boone encouraged students to put their best foot forward and to have a successful school year. At St. Croix Central High School, students and parents were greeted warmly and welcomed to the new school year by school administrators and members of the CHS Class of 1995.
At Alternative Education, Deputy George-Boone spoke with Principal Victor Sommes and his staff huddled in discussion and planning for the new school year.
A visit to Elena Christian Jr. High School, being housed at the former Manor School campus in La Grande Princesse, revealed a successful orientation for students and parents, which was completed before noon and students were released for the day.
“I thought our orientation was successful,” said Principal Henry Mark. “Students received their schedules and pertinent information for the upcoming school year. We look forward to having them for a full day of classes on Wednesday.”
Mark said the school’s enrollment this year is expected to be similar to the 300-count from last year, but final enrollment numbers are pending. Teachers and staff members were seen making final preparations to classrooms and the school grounds in order to receive students the next day.
Other schools visited were Pearl B. Larsen Elementary, Claude O. Markoe Elementary, Alexander Henderson Elementary, Alfredo Andrews Elementary, Ricardo Richards Elementary, John H. Woodson Jr. High, St. Croix Educational Complex High School, Career and Technical Education Center, and Adult Education.
Arthur A. Richards Jr. High, Eulalie Rivera Elementary and Lew Muckle Elementary schools will open at a later date.