District level leaders develop and implement policies and programs that affect school-level leadership, teaching, and learning. In the U.S. Virgin Islands, a coordinator is a district-based administrator who is employed within the Office of the Insular Superintendent, Division of Curriculum and Instruction, and whose roles and responsibilities include support to the district and its schools in areas of leadership, curriculum, and instruction, subject-matter expertise, program design and management, and professional development. The U.S. Virgin Islands coordinator evaluation process measures the quality of practice, which is the coordinator’s daily actions or performance. This site contains the tools and resources needed to complete the coordinator evaluation process.
Evaluation Help pdf Staff Accessing Evidence (795 KB) Final Performance Cut Scores Distinguished: 3.57-4.00 Proficient: 2.75-3.56 Basic: 1.84-2.74 Unsatisfactory: 1.00-1.83
VIDE has adopted the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium Standards, 2008 (ISLLC) as the foundation of effective school leadership. The ISLLC Standards have been adopted by a majority of U.S. states as performance expectations for school principals and other educational leaders (McCarthy, Shelton, & Murphy, 2014). The standards describe school leadership practices that are associated with positive school-level and student-level outcomes. These standards also apply to leadership practices of coordinators in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The ISLLC Standards are as follows:
document Coordinator Framework (356 KB)A framework is a rubric that describes standards of practice in observable and measurable terms and articulates a performance progression or levels of performance. They focus the evaluation on practices that are most important. The document Essential Practices of Coordinators Framework 16 (356 KB) (Coordinator Framework) is a research-based framework that focuses on the leadership practices of coordinators as they continuously manage and improve projects and programs, facilitate educator supports, and contribute to district policy administration. The Coordinator Framework was adapted from the Five Essential Practices of School Leadership for principals. Measurement ToolsThree measures have been selected for the coordinator evaluation process. All have been aligned to the Coordinator Framework to provide a fair and accurate evaluation of coordinator leadership practice.
Each coordinator is observed formally twice a year, once each semester. One of the observations must be observing the coordinator providing professional development to teachers. The other observation may be of an activity related to another aspect of the coordinator's leadership practice. The coordinator and the director of curriculum and instruction collaborate to determine the focus of the second observation and identify the related essential practices. The forms and resources available on this portal, mirror those to be found in TalentEd.
Each coordinator is required to complete a professional portfolio. The portfolio is a collection of artifacts that demonstrate performance related to essential leadership practices and indicators detailed in the U.S. Virgin Islands Performance Evaluation Framework for Coordinators. A total of seven artifacts specifically related to the role and responsibilities of the coordinator are required. Artifacts are intended to cohesively represent coordinator practice, as opposed to being a random document collection only focused on accomplishments. A Professional Growth Plan is one of the required artifacts in the Coordinator Portfolio. It includes two goals: a personal learning goal and a collaborative goal. The U. S. Virgin Islands Coordinator Guidebook provides instructions
Being present is an important professional behavior for all employees of the VIDE. Coordinators play a significant role in district and school leadership, therefore it is important that each coordinator is present. School Leadership Time contributes 10% of the total summative evaluation score for all coordinators. School Leadership Time is determined by attendance as reported in TmeForce and is scored using the rubric in the VIDE Attendance Policy.
Evaluation Planning document Evaluation Planning Form (100 KB) Observation
Professional Growth Plan (PGP)
document Coordinator Leadership Time (101 KB) (Required) document Coordinator Mid Year Checklist (85 KB) (Required) document Coordinator Summative Scoring Form (109 KB)