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               2018 PBIS Summer Institute                                           



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Jane E. Tuitt Primary School

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Yoga at JET - PBIS Team Leader Incorporates PBIS into her Classes

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Mrs. Heather Saks is the Physical Education teacher and PBIS team leader at Jane E. Tuitt Primary School.

On rainy days Mrs. Saks leads every class at JET in yoga, she also leads each class in a guided relaxation period at the end of every class. Mrs. Saks has incorporated a plethora of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) strategies into her "classroom"; for example, prior to allowing students to enter her room, Mrs. Saks establishes "JET behavior" outside the door. Students are permitted to enter the room once calm and ready to learn. Students wait for one another to use the "quite signal", once the entire class is ready, students are welcomed inside with a huge smile and tons of excitement. Mrs. Saks also rewards students, by name, for using their "3 Be's" - Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe - she rewards them not only through passing out Positive Behavior Tickets but by praising specific good behaviors when she sees them!


The relaxation strategies that Mrs. Saks uses in her room are forward thinking, evidence-based and effective! Students, even as young as 5, are able to sit for a period of 5 minuets without moving, talking or opening their eyes. Mrs. Saks works with her students on being able to utilize self-control in this way on a daily basis, therefore the students continually improve. Learning relaxation and self-control skills like mediation and deep breathing helps not only adults but children; students are faced with stressors on a daily basis, having a sense of calm and a strategy to fall back on helps students navigate through difficult times.


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In the coming month, Mrs. Saks plans to incorporate additional strategies, such as progressive muscle relaxation, belly breathing and guided imagery, into her class's daily yoga relaxation period. These strategies also teach students ways to manage anger, frustration, sadness, hyperactivity and more. Mrs. Saks and Jane E. Tuitt Primary School are implementing PBIS with fidelity, they are continually working on creating a safe, education and welcoming environment.



Bully Prevention - PBIS at JET

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Matrix and Values

Jane E. Tuitt's School Values:

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Jane E. Tuitt Behavioral Expectation Matrix:


PBIS Student Roll Out 2017-2018




Jane E. Tuitt Primary School rolled out PBIS to their students on December 8, 2017, for the first time this school year! Students were reminded of the Positive Behavior Sticker Program and of their expected behaviors. Students were led by cheerleaders as they chanted and sang about the 3 Be’s at JET: Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be Safe!




The positive behavior school store has been stocked and is open for business. Students collect stickers for demonstrating positive behaviors and spend them on rewards. Evidence shows that when positive behaviors are rewarded consistently and meaningfully, those behaviors are more likely to occur more often. Rewards include positive, behavior specific praise, small toys and non-tangibles (homework pass, line leader pass etc.).


The PBIS team student advisors were also chosen and rewarded at the roll out! These two students will attend PBIS meetings and provide input from the student perspective. They were chosen based on their continued positive behaviors and the way they represent the 3 Be’s!

PBIS Parent Orientation 2017

On November 10, 2017 Jane E. Tuitt rolled out PBIS to parents at the parent orientation! Parents were able to walk around the school campus, meet teachers, observe classrooms and ask question. A PBIS booth was set up to inform parents about positive behavioral interventions and supports. Informational pamphlets were handed out in English and Spanish to provide follow up information on how PBIS can be used at home!

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Mr. & Miss Jane E. Tuitt - PBIS Student Winners 2016-2017

Congratulations to all the Jane E. Tuitt students who participated in Mr. and Miss. Jane E. Tuitt this year! Below features the winners of the Jane E. Tuitt PBIS awards: "Most Responsible", "Most Respectful" and "Most Safe Behaviors".

Mr. Be Safe 2017!

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Miss Be Respectful 2017!

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Miss Be Responsible 2017!

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PBIS Student Roll Out 2016-2017

On February 6, 2017, Jane E. Tuitt Primary School (JET) rolled out PBIS to their students! Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an adaptable framework to address behavioral challenges and improve social skills, school climate and school culture. The PBIS team at JET, along with administration and staff, have been working hard to implement PBIS this year. The recent roll out celebration included skits, PBIS chants, cheers, a parade, a dance party in the yard and a sneak peek of the new school store. It was all topped off with take home treats and a take home message, “Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be Safe!”


Over the next several days teachers will work with students on learning the new behavioral expectation matrix and how the 3 B’s are relevant all over school. JET will follow up with monthly PBIS celebrations, student and teacher awards for positive behavior, secondary behavioral supports and enhanced data collection systems. Students and staff will benefit from evidence-based practices that support positive behaviors and learning initiatives.


Furthermore, students will begin earning Positive Behavior Stickers for using the 3 B’s; stickers will be handed out for positive behaviors and placed on student cards. Stickers will be redeemed for prizes at the school store as a way to reward appropriate and expected behaviors.

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JET is teaching positive social skills and improving school climate through constructive, encouraging and progressive teaching methods incorporated with PBIS. Teachers, staff and students are instructed to focus on the positive, on what is going well and on expected behaviors, rather than on problem behaviors. They are shifting away from problem focused environments and moving towards problem solving and setting students up for success through teaching expectations and supporting behavioral growth.


Over the next several months, as the PBIS language and methods spread across the school, JETs will “soar to excellence”!    

PBIS Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day, February 14, 2017, JET students, faculty and staff dressed up in red, pink and white. Each person choosing to dress up donated a dollar to the PBIS school fund! That is showing JET spirit!

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