Art for Activism project: "I am David Hamilton Jackson"
Students have the opportunity to envision themselves as social justice warriors and to embody the spirit of Virgin Islands leader and activist David Hamilton Jackson through various mediums of art.
Drawing a self-portrait or creating a mixed media artwork
Motion Graphics
Digital art, animation, or photography
A monologue or play via Tik Tok or another video app
More About David Hamilton Jackson
On November 1st, the U.S. Virgin Islands celebrates the contributions of David Hamilton Jackson with the Liberty Day holiday, which was previously known as Bull and Bread Day--a nod to the traditional meal of roasted beef and fresh-baked bread enjoyed by locals during the celebration.
Jackson was an advocate of the free press in the Virgin Islands of the United States. Along with supporters, Jackson started the first independent newspaper in the Virgin Islands. He also served the Virgin Islands as a labor leader, educator, lawyer, and judge--each title pays reverence to the many accomplishments Jackson fought for.
On November 1st, the Virgin Islands celebrates the contributions of D. Hamilton Jackson. The holiday is also called Liberty Day or Bull and Bread Day. Each title pays reverence to the many accomplishments Jackson fought for.
David Hamilton Jackson (1884-1949) was a teacher who was very active in helping to organize the field laborers. In 1915, after workers had raised money for his passage, he went to Denmark to plead the workers' cases for better working and living conditions and a free press before the Danish king.
A D. Hamilton Jackson Park and monument also resides in Estate Grove Place. Annually on November 1st, Jackson's contributions to the Virgin Islands community is celebrated at "Bull and Bread Day" held in Grove. The celebration upholds the partaking of beef and bread distributed to the residents that gathered to commemorate the first publishing of the Herald newspaper in 1915.
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