Book Swap Sparks Interest in Reading at Summer Enrichment Program on St. Croix

Lew Muckle School Summer Enrichment students happy with the

books they picked Wednesday, July 20 at a book swap sponsored

by the V.I. Department of Education Curriculum and Instruction Division.


Over a hundred summer enrichment school students on St. Croix participated in book swaps held at the Lew Muckle Elementary School on Wednesday, July 20 and at the Claude O. Markoe Elementary School on Thursday, July 21 where books were shared across the board to the delight of students.  Freedom Schools students also participated in the book swap at Claude O. Markoe School.

 Second grader Ankira Benois at Muckle Summer School took five books she read to the table and walked off with five “new” ones.  “I am happy,” she said. “Now I have five more books to read and enjoy.” Students in Kindergarten to 5th grade, books in hand, filed to the swap table by grade level for an even exchange of books.  . 

Principal of Lew Muckle Elementary summer school Delicia Espinosa was equally enthused about the book swap as her students.  “It was a positive experience for the children as well as the teachers,” she said. “Students sat down and started reading their books right away, and teachers even selected a few books for their classrooms.”  In the drive to collect books for the swap, Ms. Espinosa said she realized that some students have decent libraries at home while others don’t and she encourages parents to build reading collections at home, Moreover, Ms. Espinosa is pushing for a ‘Buy Book Day” campaign in the community where parents will be encouraged to purchase reading material for their children, electronics notwithstanding.

The book swap activities were conducted by Glenda McKenzie, administrative assistant in the State Office of Curriculum and Instruction, and assisted by summer employees Ki-Ana Tonge, Yasmin Laurencin and Sheila Fabio.  Department of Education Program Manager Denise Gomes coordinated the summer school book swap.


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